Hello, world!
Welcome to the very first basslin.es newsletter. We've got a lot going on, and we're excited to share it with you!
basslin.es is an independent record label based in Portland, Oregon. We represent Keegan Quinn, str1ng, HRD, and Wabi$abi. We're all close friends and we're out here producing music because it's the thing we love to do.
You're receiving this because you expressed an interest in a basslin.es artist at some point. We plan to send these newsletters out once a month at most. If you don't want to receive newsletters, please unsubscribe by following the link at the bottom of the message.
Ds3 is the newest single from Keegan Quinn.
Exseq3 is the third and final EP in the Exseq series from str1ng.
kQ DJ 2019.09, the next live streaming show from Keegan Quinn, will be taking place on September 7th. Don't miss it!
wrongpattern is the next release from str1ng. It will be available on September 6th.
This entire project is a labor of love. We thrive on the response from our fans; every single play, like, and share makes a big difference.
With your support, we'd be able to take it that much further. We've just launched a Patreon page - please consider becoming a patron. Every bit helps.
Thanks for reading. Until next time - have a great September!
- Keegan